Wednesday 18 November 2015

Footy Colours Day 2015

Each year, the Fight Cancer Foundation asks Australians to don their favourite football teams colours, unite and help support the fight against cancer.

For the second year in a row, Monash Sport held their all inclusive Footy Colours Day events across all three campuses to support the Fight Cancer Foundation.

At Clayton, staff and students ventured out to Monash Sport in spite of the week 8 overload to sample some tasty fares from food trucks, listen to tunes from our DJ, test their accuracy at hand balling or kicking a footy, and check out how high they could jump in the vertical jump test.

Ever the fan favourite, participants also spent some time bouncing off each other, the walls, and even off the ground in friendly games of bubble soccer.

Events were also held at the Caulfield campus on the new Campus Green and Peninsula campus in the Student Lounge involving football themed activities such as handball targeting, vertical jump competitions and goal kicking, while MONSU provided participants with a free BBQ lunch in support of the event.

A number of students and staff came out to celebrate the events, enjoying the food on offer and the chance to pit their skills against one another.

The Clayton campus event also offered the perfect opportunity to announce the winners of our inaugural Footy Tipping Competition. Nearly 1000 people registered in the competition from diverse areas of the university, the final draw however came down to six participants, who sat equally tied for first place. The winner was ultimately determined by the margin score.

First place went to Professor Chrishan Samuel from the Pharmacology faculty and was accepted by Dr Barbara Kemp-Harper on his behalf as he was overseas at the time. Professor Chrishan not only became the winner of the first place prize - a 50 inch Full HD Smart LCD TV, but also came first in their faculty's private competition, consisting of around 20 people.

Second place went to Saul Block - a Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce student, currently completing his penultimate year. Saul won a one-year Fitness and Aquatics membership at Monash Sport.

Third prize was won by biochemical Post-Doctoral researcher, Dr Laurent Lermusiaux, who got to take home a Playstation 4 plus a couple of games.

Fourth place went to first year Psychology student Deandra de Krester, who as unable to attend and collect her Fitbit Charge HR as she was in a tutorial during the presentations.

Fifth place and winner of a Fitbit Flex went to Monash Blues football player Taylor Cameron.

A special mention should be made for Professor Edwina Cornish - Provost and Senior Vice-President of Monash University, who was the last to hold an equal tie for first place in points, however missed out on a prize by margin.

Well done to all of our Footy Tipping participants, and thanks to all who got involved in our Footy Colours Day celebrations.

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